pexels-photo-457563.jpegMilitary sexual trauma (MST) is a term used by the Department of Veterans Affairs and by the military. MST refers to any type of sexual assault, (including sexual harassment), that occurred while the survivor was in the military. MST can happen to any service member during times of war, peace, and even during military training activities. In addition, the perpetrator can be a civilian or a service member and be of the same gender as the survivor (Nelson, 2012).

Source: Coping with Military Sexual Trauma: A Guide for Service Members

How Does CMSAC Help Survivors of MST?

If you or someone you know is not sure what to do after experiencing MST, you may want to consider speaking with a civilian sexual assault advocate. CMSAC provides confidential and free services to both survivors who have experienced some form of sexual violence and to those who know or care for a survivor, (i.e., secondary survivors). CMSAC advocates can help survivors to identify their options and provide support after MST has occurred. CMSAC advocates can accompany survivors of MST to the hospital and to local law enforcement centers (if a survivor decides to report to law enforcement after an assault occurs).

The Central Minnesota Sexual Assault Center

15 Riverside Drive NE

St. Cloud, MN 56304

(320)251-4357 (24/7 Crisis Line)


For more information about MST and what to do if you or someone you know is or has experienced MST, please click on any of the handouts below: